Watch our partners discuss how progress is being made with ESG in mining:

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A green mine is an electric mine.

Epiroc senior zero emissions manager Erik Svedlund talks to Mining Journal and Mining Magazine’s Chris Cann about the progress being made in equipping mines with electric alternatives, and the equipment provider’s drive to continue pushing toward environmentally friendly solutions.
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A thought leadership program from Mining Journal


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  • How mining companies can navigate the complex ESG compliance landscape

  • Emerging ESG requirements

  • Specialists and solutions that are helping the industry move toward a greener outlook

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What’s inside the report:

Many mining companies have made ESG commitments of late, spurred on by pressure from investors, customers, ratings agencies and other stakeholders.

However, even the best-intentioned miners are struggling to demonstrate that they are making good on these promises. Mining companies have an array of voluntary standards to choose from, with lots of inconsistencies between the metrics that must be reached, the data that must be collected and the format in which it must be presented. Compounding the problem is the high cost of collecting and reporting data from different disparate mine sites around the globe. Mining companies have a big role to play in cleaning up the industry’s image. But for miners to uphold the lofty ESG standards expected of them, it is incumbent on stakeholders to work with the industry to help ease the barriers to compliance.

Watch our expert panel discuss the impact pending regulation shifts would have on sustainability reporting; the (slow) pace of convergence between the key reporting standards; the take up of sustainability enhancing technologies by miners; and the opportunity for emerging and existing technology to change the face of the industry in the next decade in the video above, and download the full report and infographic below.

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ESG must be about more than box ticking.

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In March 2023, Mining Journal conducted a research survey among 50 global respondents from mining organisations with less than 10,000 employees. The sample was pulled from respondents in management roles aligned primarily with operations/technical functions. Click to view a snapshot of their responses.

Good ESG reporting bringing companies closer to investors.

Using technology to streamline and improve ESG compliance reporting for smaller companies, when done well, can bridge the gap between the priorities of resources groups and their investors, according to Laurie Clark, founder, director and CEO of ESG reporting software firm, Onyen Corporation.
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Onyen Corporation advancing automation for quality ESG reporting.

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Helping miners meet their sustainability commitments.

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